php!Someone saw this?legacy
Interesting stuff: I just saw that a site called [Trembling Hand][th] wrote [a blog post about this little page][post]. Update: And apparently [some twitter][twitultrabril] [users][twitedge] and [Boing Boing’s Offworld][offworld] as well. No idea how they got that idea, but thanks anyway! Of course, I guess by the time I’ve written this, everybody who did find the site through that link will have left again already…
So, this site probably seems a little dead. Or more like really dead. Sorry about that, folks. To be honest, I have been thinking about closing it completely because in the end, I think it did not turn out to be as funny as I thought. I’ll have to think about this some more, see whether I can find things to post here that are more interesting and/or funny. And maybe play a few more games so I’ll actually have something to write about…
Oh, in case you’re interested (I know you’re not, but any link might help my Google Page Rank), you can also look at my much-more-frequently updated [personal homepage][feq].
Posted July 3rd, 2009, 21:05